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Family Ministries
Our Saviour's is a Safe Gatherings Ministry Sunday School Sunday School is during our 9:30 am service for Infants-8th grade. To use the...

Weekly Study Groups
On Wednesdays Tim Alexander , Director of Discipleship, leads a small group book discussion class. If you would like to participate...

Memorial Garden
This beautiful walled garden provides an outdoor opportunity to celebrate the many events in our lives and those that we love. The...

Social Justice Task Force
Declaration against Racism As a congregation of the United Methodist Church, we believe that racism is incompatible with Christian...

Youth Ministry at OSUMC
Summit youth group is home to our 6th through 12th grade students. We are intentional about creating a safe environment for students to...

Music and Fine Arts
Our Saviour's is blessed with music! Our ensembles include Chancel Choir and the Chancel Chimers. Additional special music selections are...

Caring Ministries
Supporting one another is what we are called to do as Christians. Providing meals for families in times of crisis, visiting someone in...

The Fourth Sunday Food Fund
We support the Schaumburg Township Food Pantry by taking a special collection on the 4th Sunday of each month and using that money to...

Local, National, and International Missions
Our Saviour's has a heart for missions. There are opportunities for both youth and adults to serve locally and around the world. Mission...

Arts & Crafts
On Wednesday mornings a group of people meet to do crafts and to socialize. They paint, make ornaments, make cards, light woodworking,...
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