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Our Beliefs

Welcome to Our Saviour's

If you are searching for something to believe in or belong to ...

You are welcome to join us in community as we learn, live, and love together.


At Our Saviour's, we believe that all people are created in the image of God (2 Corinthians 5:17) , that all people are of sacred worth, and that Christ died for all people. We welcome everyone regardless of age, race, color, mental and physical abilities, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, political party, educational background, ability, economic background, ethnicity, and religious tradition, as full participants in the life and work of the church.

Who Are We?

We are a kindhearted and inclusive body of believers committed to growing each day by worshipping God; loving one another; and serving others. We strive to welcome and serve all people. We strive not for perfection but for authenticity and connection.
We are committed to social justice, the welfare and dignity of all persons, as well as a place of renewal and hope.

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What We Hold in Common

Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.  We are...

  • God-centered – We believe that we should be God-centered in all we do. We seek to know and worship God. Our aim as a church is to guide people to have a relationship with Jesus and to worship him with all of our lives.

  • Prayerful – The prayer life of this church is foundational for all we do.

  • Biblical – The Old and New Testament scriptures are the primary guide we have for living out our faith.

  • Relevant – We will meet people where they are and introduce them to a living God.

  • Relational – Our goal is to develop relationships through which people come to know Jesus and in which they are strengthened and grow in their life with him.

  • Radical – We will encourage wholehearted, lifelong following of Jesus. We will expect to see spiritual transformation in all areas of life and consequently will make a difference in Schaumburg (socially, economically, politically, practically).

  • Faithful – We are a people with a vision and people willing to take faith steps when prompted by the Spirit to move towards God’s goal.

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Social Principles

The United Methodist Church has a long history of concern for social justice. Its members have often taken forthright positions on controversial issues involving Christian principles. To learn more about the United Methodist Social Creed and positions on issues that affect us all, follow these links:

A Brief History of Our Saviour's

Our Saviour’s United Methodist Church (OSUMC) began as a small group, a “house church,” with about a dozen young adults, in a new community, Hoffman Estates. We then became a chartered Methodist church in March,1958, with 85 members. With the support of the Methodist Conference and a group called Church Builders, our first church was built on Golf Rd.  Thirty-five years later, we had outgrown that site and moved to our present location, at Schaumburg and Plum Grove Roads.
We know you will find an active, loving, caring community at OSUMC. YOU are welcome here!

Our History


Senior Pastor

Pastor David Lagos-Fonseca

Student Ministries Director

Martha Walker

Care and Contact Coordinator

Joyce Kiepura

Family Ministry Director

Nicole Gavina

Communications Director

Scott Marcks

Director of Worship Ministries/Organist

Ricardo Pedroza

Director of Discipleship

Tim Alexander

Church Treasurer

Heather Schluckbier

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Office Administrator

Elia Borlongan

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